Saturday, November 8, 2008

free hacking passwrd protected websites

warning : For educational purpose only

i know dis is lame but just would like to share wid u.
have nothing for next half an hour so typing it.. lol

here are many ways to defeat java-script protected websites. Some are very simplistic, such as hitting
[ctl-alt-del ]when the password box is displayed, to simply turning offjava capability, which will dump you into the default page.You can try manually searching for other directories, by typing the directory name into the url address box of your browser, ie: you want access to .

Try typing .(almost ever y web site has an images directory) This will put you into the images directory,and give you a text list of all the images located there. Often, the title of an image will give you a clue to the name of another directory. ie: in, there is a .gif named gamestitle.gif . There is a good chance then, that there is a 'games' directory on the site,so you would then type in, and if it isa valid directory, you again get a text listing of all the files available there.

For a more automated approach, use a program like WEB SNAKE from anawave, or Web Wacker. These programs will create a mirror image of an entire web site, showing all director ies,or even mirror a complete server. They are indispensable for locating hidden files and directories.What do you do if you can't get past an opening "PasswordRequired" box? . First do an WHOIS Lookup for the site. In our example, . We find it's hosted by at 100.100.100. 1.

We then go to, and then launch \Web Snake, and mirror the entire server. Set Web Snake to NOT download anything over about 20K. (not many HTML pages are bigger than this) This speeds things up some, and keeps you from getting a lot of files and images you don't care about. This can take a long time, so consider running it right before bed time. Once you have an image of the entire server, you look through the directories listed, and find /target. When we open that directory, we find its contents, and all of its sub-directories listed. Let's say we find /target/games/zip/zipindex.html . This would be the index page that would be displayed had you gone through the password procedure, and allowed it to redirect you here.By simply typing in the url you will be onthe index page and ready to follow the links for downloading.

hotmail hack info

Hotmail Hack info
Brute force hacking
a. Use telnet to connect to port 110 (Hotmail´s pop-server)
b. Type USER and then the victim´s username
c. Type PASS and then the guess a password
d. Repeat that until U have found the correct password.
!. This is called brute force hacking and requires patience.
It´s better than trying to guess the victims password on
hotmail homepage only because it´s faster.
I_2_I - The Best way
a. Get the username of the victim (It usually stands in the adress-field
b. Then type " "
c. U´re in!
!. This hack only work if U are on the same network or computer as the
victim and if he don´t log out.
I_3_I - The old way
a. Go to
b. Now type the victims username. (press login)
c. Look at the source code.
d. On the fifth row U should find "action=someadress"
e. Copy that adress and paste it into the adress-field
f. You are in...
!. As you can see it´s a long procedure and the victim have
plenty of time to log out.
I_4_I - Another...
a. Go to hotmail´s homepage
b. Copy the source code.
c. Make a new html file with the same code but change method=post to
d. "view" the page
e. Change the adress to (don´t press enter!)
f. Make the victim type in his username and password
g. Look in the adress-field. There you´ll see ...&password:something...
!. This is the way I use, because it lets you know the password.
(If he exits the browser U can see the password in the History folder!)

Hotmail´s sysops have changed the "system" so that the victim may log
out even
if U are inside his/her account. So don´t waste U´r time!


So you want to get some hotmail passwords?
This is pretty easy to do once you have got the hang of it.
If you are a beginner, I wouldn't make this your first attempt at
hacking. When you need to do is use a port surfer and surf over to
port 80. While there, you have to try and mail the user that you
want the password from. It is best to mail them using the words
"We" and "Here at Hotmail..." Most suckers fall for this and end
up giving out their password. There is another way to also, you can
get an anon mailer, and forge the addres as But
you have to change the reply address to go to a different addres
like The person that you are trying to get the pass
from MUST respond to that letter for the mail to be forwarded to you.
Have text like "Please reply to this letter with the subject "PASSWORD"
and underneith please include your user name and password.
If you have trouble Loging in withing the next few days, this is
only because we are updating our mail servers but no need to worry,
your mail will still be there. Even though the server may be down
for an hour. From the staff at Hotmail, Thank You."

anime sites

are you one of those ho r animefanatic or a music lover??
well this may help you in your situation...yosh...

you may try dis site

sign up now..
join the community

well try to pm me

my id : judascried

anime sites

Saturday, October 18, 2008

whY can a piece of smile melt me??

iv spend alot time starng @ you a the other side of the wall
fantazng that days wud come true,
time still fades as i sleep,
the morning skies burn
yet inside it mourn..
petal of our tears flew freely in a crimson ways
awkward days seems like a dreamcome true,
i walk in a path wir i still come back,
purple cries screaming twice,
pictures lies twice,